How can the economic and social benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) be strengthened while its ethical and human rights risks are addressed? This is a question that drives the current policy debate, that exercises researchers and companies and that interests citizens and the media. It is the question that the upcoming book by Bernd Carsten Stahl provides a novel answer to. Drawing on the work of the EU project SHERPA, Stahl’s book proposes that using the theoretical lens of innovation ecosystems, we can make sense of empirical observations of the role of AI in organisations and society. This perspective furthermore allows for drawing practical and policy conclusions that can guide action to ensure that AI contributes to human flourishing.
At the one-hour book launch, co-organised by Springer and DMU, Prof. Bernd Stahl will face critical questions from a high-profile panel featuring Prof. Katrin Amuns, Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé-Shaelou, Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh and moderated by Prof. Doris Schroeder. The panel discussion will include a questions and answer session open to members of the audience.
The book is published using an open access model. This means that members of the audience who find the argument interesting and would like to engage with it in more detail will be able to download it for free.
Bernd Stahl (2021) Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future: An Ecosystem Perspective on the Ethics of AI and Emerging Digital Technologies, Springer (Part of the SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance book series (BRIEFSREINGO))
Bernd Stahl is the Ethics Director of the Human Brain Project. He is also coordinator of the SHERPA project. This text was written by Doris Schroeder and Bernd Stahl and originally posted on the SHERPA projects website. If you are interested in ethical and human rights aspects of artificial intelligence, smart information systems and big data, we suggest you have a look at their recommendations for achieving their vision of an ethics that is integral to excellence in AI
Prof. Bernd Stahl
Prof. Bernd Stahl is Director of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, Ethics Director in the Human Brain Project and the Leader of the SHERPA Project.
Prof. Katrin Amunts
Prof. Katrin Amunts, a neuroscientist, is Director of the Cécile and Oskar Vogt Institute of Brain Research at the Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, Director of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine at the Research Center Juelich and scientific Research Director of the European flagship, the Human Brain Project.
Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé-Shaelou
Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou is Professor of European Law and Reform and Head of the School of Law, UCLan Cyprus. Her areas of specialist expertise include human rights and artificial intelligence. She received the European Citizen 2020 Prize of the European Parliament as Founder of a ‘Social Mediation in Practice’ project.
Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh
Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh is Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology at the University of Vienna and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education. He is the author of 14 books including “AI Ethics” (MIT Press) and “Narrative and Technology Ethics” (Palgrave).
Prof. Doris Schroeder
Prof. Doris Schroeder is Director of the Centre for Professional Ethics, UCLan, and Professor of Moral Philosophy. Doris will moderate the discussion.