Arrow. Photo by Hello I'm Nik, Unsplash

First systematic review of Artificial Intelligence impact assessments

Impact assessments can help identify both positive and negative impacts at an early stage of development. It is very likely that this will become an integral part of structures designed address the ethical and social issues. The first ever systematic review of AI impact assessment was just published in Artificial Intelligence Review, providing the basis…

Organising committee for Future for Responsible Research

The future of Responsible Brain Research 

How can we continue to build even more responsible practices of brain research?  This was the central question on the Human Brain Project’s (HBP) online conference on February 2nd, 2023. Work on responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the HBP has taken many forms, including Europe-wide citizen engagement, dialogue, engagement and co-creation with stakeholder and…

Etihics & Society

Curating the legacy of responsible research and innovation in the Human Brain Project

Over the last decade, the Human Brain Project Building has used structured and strategic approaches to embed responsible research and innovation (RRI) practices across the project. The efforts to curate the legacy of this work includes the development an online RRI toolkit. A recent paper explores whether this kind of toolkit can help embed the…

Colored pencils. Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Equality, diversity and inclusion: tools for project themes and teams

Women are still underrepresented in top positions in academia. Considering sex, gender, ethnicity, culture and other aspects of diversity have relevance for the way knowledge is produced, understood and disseminated. But how can we make that happen? Karin Grasenick. Julia Trattnig & Pilar Romero have developed a toolkit on equality in governance structures, procedures and…