Comic by Constanza Rojas Molina on the philosophy of science and brain modeling

Artistic interpretation of the philosophical aspects of virtual brains

In the search for a better understanding of how the brain functions, the human brain project is using brain simulations. These in silico experiments are done in the projects work steam on brain simulation.  Simulations offer an unprecedented opportunity to study diseases of the brain, like epilepsy. But to understand what we see when we…

HBP opinion on artificial inteligence

HBP opinion on trust and transparency in AI

Did you miss the launch of the Human Brain Project opinion on trust and transparency in artificial intelligence? Don’t worry! The full report with recommendations for the HBP is available for download. Only have ten minutes? We have recorded the presentation by Arleen Salles from a webinar organised together with the Horizon2020 SIENNA and SHERPA…

Book launch 28: April Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future

How can the economic and social benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) be strengthened while its ethical and human rights risks are addressed? This is a question that drives the current policy debate, that exercises researchers and companies and that interests citizens and the media. It is the question that the upcoming book by Bernd Carsten…