Artificial intelligence, Compliance, Data Governance, Data Protection, Diversity, Events and Publications
October 27, 2021
Social, ethical & reflective work in the HBP: The publications list
The HBP is characterised by a profound and broad interdisciplinarity, and it is unique among the large international Brain Initiatives in having included social sciences and humanities in the core research from its very beginning, devoting approximately 5% of the budget to this end. We have compiled a list of all articles, books, and reports related…
Ethics and Society, Ethics Support, Human Brain Project, Outreach and Dissemination, Researcher Awareness
community building, Research Infrastructure, Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI
October 6, 2021
Building an EBRAINS community in Africa
Why is EBRAINS engaging in community building activities? EBRAINS has made a commitment to build a scientific research infrastructure that empowers empirical and theoretical neuroscience that is of relevance to a highly diverse and collaborative neuroscience community. We understand that ‘the success of the EBRAINS research infrastructure will depend on its ability to mobilise the…