Network, image by Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

Re-envisioning RoI in EU research initiatives: leveraging the HBP experience for EBRAINS

There is a need to re-think RoI in EU-wide research initiatives. In this blog, the Human Brain Project‘s Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) focuses on how we can leverage the HBP experience toward EBRAINS and a culture of reflective science practices by design. This is a text written by Kristin Bergtora Sandvik, member of the EAB.…

A capacity-building programme for responsible brain research and innovation

Is responsible neuroscience research or innovation something you would like to get better at? Would you like to join other like-minded researchers, scientists and tech innovators to reflect on societal concerns of big neuroscience infrastructure like EBRAINS? Then, the capacity building programme on responsible innovation run by the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) team at…


Responsibility key to implementing guidelines for treating disorders of consciousness

A disorder of consciousness is a state where consciousness has been affected by devastating damage to the brain. The diagnosis and health care of patients suffering from these disorders raise several clinical as well as ethical issues. And researchers are still looking for ways to solve them. Recent guidelines, European and American, offer important recommendations…


#BlackInHBP: Statements from Black HBP members

This text was prepared jointly by Damian Okaibedi Eke, Mathew Abrams, Simi Akintoye, George Ogoh, Paschal Ochang, and Oluyinka Oyeniji on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. 21st March is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This offers an occasion to especially reflect on and highlight…

Diversity in Brain Research: Does it matter? 18 May 2022

Webinar 18 May 2022: Diversity in Brain Research: Does it matter?

To which extent are brain functions affected by sex hormones? Are sex differences at the level of stem cells relevant? Is it possible to differentiate biological sex from other factors that can influence the brain, like culture or life experiences? Can it be ethically justified to only study homogenous groups when diagnosing and treating diseases,…

The neuroethics contribution to AI ethics and regulation

The AI ethics research field is growing rapidly. So is the number of guidelines issued to provide operational recommendations to manage the ethical issues raised by AI design, development and implementation. In a recent Neuroethics publication, Michele Farisco, Kathinka Evers and Arleen Salles suggest some of the applied issues covered by these guidelines can in…


Calling all professionals working with Disorders of Consciousness!

As part of the International Brain Injury Association’s Disorders of Consciousness Special Interest Group, we invite professionals working in the field to request their participation in a survey. The intent is to explore professional opinions relevant to the recommendations included in the newly issued Guidelines on Disorders of Consciousness from the European Academy of Neurology…

Advancing a responsible, ethical vision for EBRAINS

On 24 January 2022, EBRAINS hosted an international consultation designed to shape its Ethics and Society Vision. The session was organized in collaboration with the Human Brain Project (HBP) experts on Ethics and Responsible Research, the meeting gathered a renowned panel of international experts. Want to know more about the meeting? Have a look on…

Diversity, image from Pixabay

Call for submissions: Diversity in Research Paper Award

The Human Brain Project’s Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee (DEOC) invites you to apply for our Diversity in Research Paper Award (DIRPA): You are eligible if your publication considers diversity traits such as sex, gender, age, ethnicity, etcetera in your specific field of research like neuroscience, AI, Robotics. The deadline has been extended to 17 January! More…

Increasingly big data & the pressing need for international data governance of neuroscience

Understanding the brain requires great effort and the scale of neuroscience research projects is increasing to scale. This means crossing borders in big international research initiatives, and as a result being subject to national and international laws, regulations and policies in both data collection and transfer. While neuroscience data transcends borders, data governance typically stays…