How do we take responsibility for dual-use research?
We are more often than we think governed by old patterns of thought. As a philosopher, I find it fascinating to see how mental patterns capture us, how we get imprisoned in them, and how we can get out of them. With that in mind, I recently read a book chapter on something that is…
Beyond ‘good old CERN’: data and digital research infrastructures
In the popular imaginaries of Research Infrastructures, the ‘good old CERN’ is often seen as the prime example of European Research Infrastructures. Created in the post-World War II and emerging Cold War context of the 1950s, the European Organization of Nuclear Research (CERN) has developed in a highly-regarded success story of international cooperation, scientific discoveries…
Privacy & data ethics in recent podcast episode
Despite our trusting nature and the convenience of certain apps, it important to keep asking questions about how technology works and how decisions are made. Who is following your life through your smartphone? And why does it matter? Find out more about what ethical issues arise with the implementation of new technology, and why we…
Ethics as renewed clarity about new situations
An article in the journal Big Data & Society criticizes the form of ethics that has come to dominate research and innovation in artificial intelligence (AI). The authors question the same “framework interpretation” of ethics that you could read about on the Ethics Blog last week. However, with one disquieting difference. Rather than functioning as a…
Ethical frameworks for research
The word ethical framework evokes the idea of something rigid and separating, like the fence around the garden. The research that emerges within the framework is dynamic and constantly new. However, to ensure safety, it is placed in an ethical framework that sets clear boundaries for what researchers are allowed to do in their work. That this…
How can we ensure responsible neurorobotics?
Neurorobotics exists at the intersection of neuroscience and robotics. Some of the ethical concerns raised by the technology are inherited by its parent(s). Worker safety, systems reliability, and unconscious biases, to name a few. But with new technology comes new ethical and social challenges. A recent publication offers an important first step towards responsible neurorobotics.…
What is intelligence? Theoretical contributions to AI ethics from the Human Brain Project
Several European projects are contributing tools for applied AI ethics. A recent paper in Science and Engineering Ethics from the Human Brain Project suggests that that ethical reflection on the practical aspects of artificial intelligence requires theoretical reflection and clarification of key concepts: What is intelligence? And how do we make the distincition between natural…
Recommendations for European AI strategy
Engagement with publics and expert stakeholders is part of the Human Brain project’s approach to responsible research and innovation. One outcome of the work is seven recommendations for the European Commission’s whitepaper on AI from the Danish Board of Technology Foundation. The recommendations are based on input from experts in law, ethics, social science, economy…
Ethics & RRI @ HBP Open Day and Summit 2020
Last week from 2nd to 6th February the Human Brain Project’s (HBP) Ethics Support team was at the HBP Open Day and Summit 2020 in Athens, Greece. These events provided great opportunities to reflect on the work done in the previous seven years of the HBP and plan the remaining three years of the project…
Global Harmonization of Neurodata Sharing, Standards and Governance
Damian Eke On 12-13 January 2020, representatives from the major brain initiatives came together for the International Brain Initiative’s (IBI) Data Standards and Sharing Roundtable, in Tokyo, Japan. This was an initial opportunity to understand the best approaches of harmonizing brain data standards, governance and sharing and was organized by IBI Data Standards and Sharing…