Global Harmonization of Neurodata Sharing, Standards and Governance

Damian Eke On 12-13 January 2020, representatives from the major brain initiatives came together for the International Brain Initiative’s (IBI) Data Standards and Sharing Roundtable, in Tokyo, Japan. This was an initial opportunity to understand the best approaches of harmonizing brain data standards, governance and sharing and was organized by IBI Data Standards and Sharing…

The first international standard for responsible innovation in neurotechnology

How to ensure that societal benefits of neurotechnology are maximised and risks minimised? In December 2019, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) adopted the Recommendation on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology that provides some guidance in this respect. This is the first international standard in this domain and it aims to guide governments and…

‘Healthy AI’ at MozFest 2019

George Ogoh The theme of the Mozila Festival (MozFest) for 2019 was ‘Healthy AI’. MozFest is an eventful gathering of people interested in discussing topics related to a healthier internet. This year was the 10th anniversary and the events took place in London from 21 to 27 October 2019. The theme of ‘healthy AI’ was…

PhD opportunities in ethics of research infrastructures, AI & data

Would you like to join the HBP Ethics Support team to be a research assistant and do your PhD? We currently have two positions open. Application deadline is 9 January and you can read the advertisement and apply for these positions here. Successful applicants will join the interdisciplinary and international HBP team at the Centre…

Q&A with Ethics Rapporteurs: High Performance Analytics and Computing

What ethical and societal questions scientists, engineers and developers in the Human Brain Project (HBP) encounter in their work? How do they deal with them? To shed some light on these questions we start Q&A series with Ethics Rapporteurs. First to answer our questions is Meredith Peyser (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany) from the Sub-Project 7 High…

Equitable AI in public health

Bernd Carsten Stahl The discussion of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) covers a broad set of issues and many different application areas. One frequently named application area where AI may have a revolutionary potential is that of healthcare. In addition to being able to improve specific medical processes, such as disease classification, there is…

Q&A: Point of Registration of Ethical Concerns (PORE) in the Human Brain Project

Manuel Guerrero   Q1: What are the aims of the Human Brain Project’s PORE (Point of Registration of Ethical Concerns)? The PORE utility provides a way to identify ethical, regulatory and social issues in Human Brain Project (HBP) research and innovation, which may be raised from any person from inside or outside the HBP community in any…

How does Ethics Support in the Human Brain Project work?

How does the Ethics Support work package in the Human Brain Project (HBP) work? What are the aims and main activities of Ethics Support? Who are our main collaborators within and outside the HBP? What are future challenges for Ethics Support?  To answer these and other questions and facilitate exchange of information and ideas on…

Ethics Support Outreach and Dissemination: Q&A with Inga Ulnicane

Over the last year, Ethics Dialogues blog have published Q&A with the task leaders of the Ethics Support work package in the Human Brain Project (HBP). So far, the following tasks have been introduced: Ethics Support in the HBP, Compliance Management, Support for Ethics Advisory Board, Ethics Rapporteur Programme, Ethics-Related Data Governance and Data Protection…

BREXIT and Data Protection in the Human Brain Project

Simisola Akintoye In the aftermath of the United Kingdom’s (UK) intention to withdraw from the European Union (EU) pursuant to Article 50 of the EU Treaty, all EU primary and secondary law will cease to apply in the UK from 31 October 2019, 00:00 (CET) (‘The Withdrawal Date’). In view of the considerable uncertainties around…