Knowledge and technology transfer is more than commercialisation. It is one of the key aspects of innovation processes and exploitation of research results. This makes these processes an excellent opportunity to make sure the care taken of ethical and responsible research and innovation practices during research and development also carries on through the continuous innovation process. We have developed training to support these processes in neuroscience.
The training module on Ethics & RRI Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer & Commercialisation offers guidance on how to develop stakeholder maps and design a stakeholder engagement exercise, which will help align exploitation efforts with the needs, expectations and concerns of key actors, including collaborators, future users and societal stakeholders.
Four videos on the topic guide researchers through the process. In this first video, Achim Rosemann, senior Research Fellow at De Montfort University, introduces the topic of knowledge transfer and commercialization in the Human Brain Project. The video presents the training module’s core contents, intended learning outcomes and speakers.
This is one of the topics in a series of training modules explaining and reflecting on the concept of responsible research and innovation and how this approach can enable better science and innovation. The training covers human and animal data, gender, diversity and inclusion, researcher awareness and research integrity, dual use of concern and misuse ethics and RRI dimensions of knowledge transfer and commercialization, neuroethics, consciousness & AI ethics, and science communication. A module on public engagement and foresight is under development and will be available soon.
Want to know more about Responsible Research and Innovation in the Human Brain Project, more information can be found on the Ethics and Society webpage.