From November 2021 to March 2022, the Danish Board of Technology is organising citizen engagement workshops about international research collaboration and sharing of health data in neuroscience on site in 6 European countries (Denmark, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Germany & the UK). They are now inviting experts in neuroscience, neuromedicine, health data and data sharing to participate in the workshop series, as a representative for your field.
At the workshops, there will be 20 citizens and 8 experts seated in groups of 5-6 citizens and with two experts. Together you will discuss and debate some topics that have been presented to the citizens earlier in the day. The result of your discussions will reflect the values and guidelines that you have identified together and will be published in a report presented to the management of the Human Brain Project, EBRAINS and decision-makers on a European level. The Denmark, Spain and Hungary workshops have already taken place, but there is still an opportunity to participate in Italy, the UK and Germany.
“Based on the workshops, we will develop principles and guidelines for how international research collaboration and health data sharing should take place in a research infrastructure such as EBRAINS, the legacy research infrastructure of the Human Brain Project. This will be a joint collaboration between citizens and experts with specialized knowledge within the field. And a unique opportunity to take part in a dialogue with citizens to get insights into what ordinary people think of neuroscience,” says Yaseen Jakhura, project officer for the Human Brain Project at DeMontfort University, who is in charge of recruiting experts to the UK workshop that because of the pandemic was rescheduled from 13 January to 28 February 2022 21 March 2022.
Find out more about the workshops